Ask the person that has been ddosing fearless anything
First I'd like to repeat what both Faustie and Nudel said (without posting it of course) about the whole mature thing.
It's great to hear the "oppinion/reason" from you and not just guess to it.

However I see your point in your messages. I'm not going to justify our work with saying "It's hard to be an admin" because that is not an excuse.
I think most admins do what they can and some times that's just not enough. Which is also why (I think) Soulripper promoted Nudelholz - To get another "administrator" above administrators so to say -

The problem with DDoS'ing is that.. Well it's pretty obvious. We can't really do anything to improve our work. All we can do is look at the Gametracker page saying "Server not avaible". Which is quite frustrating as you may realize. Now I'm in the lucky seat just like Faustie meaning that I of course have other things to do. Personally I just feel bad for those who put so much time into Fearless.

Some of our players use Fearless as their "Social life" on the internet. Instead of using Facebook, Myspace etc. they are who they want to be on Fearless. Which is also why I think they write the:
"Omg fearless is my life.. Kill the DDoS'er". Nobody can use those messages to anything, however.
Anyways as Nudelholz said then it's great to hear what you think about. By posting this we realize what we need to prove in a way which can't get more clear to us. We NEED to improve and get more professional. That's quite obvious now.

But.. My question to you is: Have you ever had a community yourself or been a part of one? Like admin/moderator etc.

EDIT: I just saw that you've posted other normal posts in other threads, contributing to the forum. Maybe you've had bad experiences with the server and the players. We all have that sometimes.. Sadly. But on the forum you may recon that many people are very kind and helpful. There's a bond between the Fearless players which many communities doesn't have. All the old players know eachother. Hell... Some folkes have been here since 2008. Even though this is on the internet you begin to "know" people in certain ways. Now that.. That is what it's all about.

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RE: Ask the person that has been ddosing fearless anything - by StillAlive - 01-24-2012, 03:10 PM

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