Ask the person that has been ddosing fearless anything
First off, thank you for actually taking the time to maturely answer questions honestly regarding the DDoS - Haven't experienced that with any previous attacks, so cheers for being open about this.

I'll be honest, when the server goes down, I'm not the type to get angry or complain much, I normally just shut down gmod and hop off to the gym, if anything, you've helped my improve my gym and work ethic, so, heh, cheers for that. I do understand that a lot of people do get severely pissed off though - Normally I tell them to chill and just give Fl a rest for a while, its only an online server, not exactly a high priority by any means, at least for me. But I wonder what do you say to the people who really get annoyed/upset when the server is down? Ever felt any remorse about it?

Also your motives confuse me a little. You make some valid points, and yes, they are things we need to address, but I'm unsure as to how a DDoS would help when it causes the people who run the community a fair amount of stress, a lot of time and possibly even money - If you want us to improve, surely simply posting your criticisms for the admin team and community to work on would be better? I haven't seen anyones attitudes improve much as a result of server attacks, in fact a few people get more and more whingey and bad tempered, which is a problem, if anything overall DDoS contributes badly to community attitudes. So I question as to whether a DDoS in relation to community attitudes/problems is really a good solution?

Would appreciate an answer, cheers.

Edit: Also thank you for, temporarily at least, stopping the attack on the server - It is appreciated.

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RE: Ask the person that has been ddosing fearless anything - by Faustie - 01-24-2012, 02:32 AM

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