Penumbra Venture 28 Offshore Drilling Rig RP
Name: PFC. Richtea


Why do you want to work for us?: High experience with mechanics and engineering, and extremely familiar with firearms. This job seems perfect for those two traits.

Previous Relevant Experience? Frequent security/assault missions, many hours of personal security and military background.
Last Job?: Private Contractor to President.
Which position are you applying for, and why?: Head of security. My leadership skills and weapons experience should lead to a great success in this role. I am experienced with managing elite teams and would like to push myself to achieve more with you.

Why should we hire you? Cos im a mother******* G
wannabe skid
[Image: J8Wdw2Z.gif]

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RE: Penumbra Venture 28 Offshore Drilling Rig RP - by Richtea - 10-24-2017, 04:29 PM

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