Banning Joey skylynx (Remade)
(01-19-2012, 10:14 PM)Joey Skylynx Wrote: Uh.... What? I basically explained what happened in those pictures. I was in an RP event in which we were searching for the president and your friend Willy let me into your base. I went inside and saw contra. You came around started trying to shove me out so I handcuffed Willy and went to handcuff you, but you attempted to pull a crowbar out of your ass and attempted to kill me. You can even ask Will. I released him after destroying the contra, and told him, "Don't dab in contra... Isn't worth it"

HAHA OMG! Are you kidding me? do you not hear yourself? Mr saint of garrysmod right here, oh whats this i didn't have a crowbar even if i did i would of killed you with it... not just bloody stand there and stare at you, and No willy did not let you in, (if your going to lie at least put some thought into it) you jumped onto your car and jumped over my wall i even saw that!
what are you talking about? you ran in i came in after you saying "wtf get out!" because you propsurfed in and you just said calm down and shot me.... not fair just because your respected (god knows how) you can't make up BS and expect everyone to believe you...
Which BTW you should grab some popcorn because on Friday willyham is going to send me the actually video of you randomly breaking into my house and killing me and him which i will post on forums so be prepared for when you are going to look like a right knob for all the things you are using as excuses!

Messages In This Thread
Banning Joey skylynx (Remade) - by MrRicky - 01-19-2012, 03:15 PM
RE: Banning Joey skylynx (Remade) - by MrRicky - 01-19-2012, 09:59 PM
RE: Banning Joey skylynx (Remade) - by MrRicky - 01-19-2012, 10:06 PM
RE: Banning Joey skylynx (Remade) - by MrRicky - 01-19-2012, 10:19 PM

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