Banning Joey skylynx (Remade)
Apparently the last request i sent wasn't valid as i used the wrong format so.

Name of player: (Joey Skylynx)

SteamID: (STEAM_0:11061926)

Time in GMT: (18/01/2012 5:00pm and again at 10:00pm)

Server: ( rp_EvoCity v2d)

Summary: (Hey to the admin reading i am here today to get Joey Skylynx banned as he has broken many rules some of which have disturbed my gameplay, first off it started around about 5.00pm as he thought it would be a good idea not to ask us to let him into mine and my friends base, but to propsurf instead, he also did not yell "raid" and he was a special agent who was breaking into a gundealers <me> house. I have a few pieces of footage showing him when he broke in and told us to stay on the ground (i don't know how to post images i will post them as soon as i find out) after he told us to get onto the floor he thought it would be amusing to kill me and cuff my mate (Willyham) and destroy my contra with NO warrant what so ever.. later on in the game (Few hours later) Joey skylynx decided to randomly raid me again but this time one of the admins froze me and was talking to me about something else so i couldn't do anything about it, he raided my house and left notes around saying your best amerifag friend joey <got pictures of it as well > and when i was unfrozen i realized this admin was obviously one of joeys friends as he demoted me and when i told him about what joey did he turned away and said "He had his reasons" when i ask him what it was he just teleported away" he was clearly helping joey raid my house <The admins name was Temar a well respected admin i know but he still abused his powers> ive seen that joey has been recently reported for a ban and now i know why, its people like him who think that being a donator means you can abuse regular members, when in fact he should know his actions will reflect back onto him... Thank you for reading this huge paragraph about my request i will send pictures as soon as i find out how to!)

Evidence: (i have photos but i don't know how to upload?)

Messages In This Thread
Banning Joey skylynx (Remade) - by MrRicky - 01-19-2012, 03:15 PM
RE: Banning Joey skylynx (Remade) - by MrRicky - 01-19-2012, 09:59 PM
RE: Banning Joey skylynx (Remade) - by MrRicky - 01-19-2012, 10:06 PM
RE: Banning Joey skylynx (Remade) - by MrRicky - 01-19-2012, 10:19 PM

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