Buglet unban request
(08-20-2017, 07:59 PM)DVN Wrote: Hi Buglet,

Just like the example that was given to you during the sit on the roof:

If you were held at gunpoint in real life by a criminal, regardless of what you have endured previously or seen you would follow his direct orders. My direct orders were for you to stop where you are because you were under arrest, whilst keeping you at gunpoint with my shotgun. You decided to completely break FearRP and run away across the road and down mainstreet, to which I responded with resorting to using my admin powers to pause the roleplay and sort it out.

As much as I sort of understand your point in certain ways, this doesn't allow you to break server rules.

Just to add, when you say you 'preferred your chances at escaping' I don't understand this either, as you had no chance whatsoever. I was literally touching you with the shotgun, in reality I could have shot you milliseconds after you started sprinting.


The RP I witnessed from you up until I was banned was, quite frankly, abysmal. You made one of my friends endure jail time for no reason other than you wanted to. Playing the "corrupt cop" you give innocent players only two choices: jail for whatever reason you can come up with (such as my friend who was jailed for being black, or my other who was jailed for disobeying curfew when there was none), or be banned for trying to escape it.

By RPing as a corrupt cop with your weapon raised, you are forcing other players to either go to jail (for no reason) or be banned for trying to RP their way out of it. I would not expect this from an admin, at all, and all of my friends are quite disappointed to say the least. We were having a lot of fun until you showed up at Yilo's shop.

I admit I broke FearRP, however my defence is that after your appearance there was simply no RP existent to break.

I hope that after my ban is over, my encounters with you on the server are more bearable.


Messages In This Thread
Buglet unban request - by Buglet - 08-20-2017, 06:14 PM
RE: Buglet unban request - by Buglet - 08-20-2017, 07:03 PM
RE: Buglet unban request - by DVN - 08-20-2017, 07:59 PM
RE: Buglet unban request - by Buglet - 08-21-2017, 12:21 AM
RE: Buglet unban request - by DVN - 08-21-2017, 05:24 PM
RE: Buglet unban request - by Buglet - 08-21-2017, 05:39 PM
RE: Buglet unban request - by DVN - 08-21-2017, 06:57 PM

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