Always Wondered - Considered Propushing?
From my previous Admin years experience in a very popular RP server (VentMob), If your vehicle get's stuck slightly, you may push it with a prop slightly to get it unstuck. When I'm driving and my car get's stuck on say one of those up and down hills near the lake, I'll just push it slightly will a small prop, thus saving Admins the bother of going and spending their time.

If it's stuck INSIDE a wall, then you won't be able to take it out with props anyway. Just call an Admin.
Live a good life. If there's a god and he's just, he will not care of how devout you are, he will accept you for the virtues you have based your life upon. If there's no god, then you will have gone, but you will have lived a noble life which will stay in the memories of those that you love.

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RE: Always Wondered - Considered Propushing? - by Holdem - 01-18-2012, 10:59 AM

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