Ban Request: [BCC]♔☣☭TJ3003☭☣♔ - FAILRP, RDM, Did not yell raid, Trolling.
Logically the SS did NOT kill me and i knew they wouldn't due to it would conflict against the ORDERERS that the PRESIDENT gave you (you fail rped due to you not listening to the PRESIDENT)

Also IRL my CHARACTER i would kill a cop that was doing 2 things, defying against a order from a friend/president and destroyed EXPENSIVE speakers that i knew you was in the wrong for doing (fail rp again)

In the end this boils down to you QQ'ing about me killing you for a "ledgit" reason, yes the way i did it in terms of me not shouting raid which was my bad but i did not think i would due to me already being in there and i doubt you would should raid evrytime you shot someone inside the nexus/base?

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RE: Ban Request: [BCC]♔☣☭TJ3003☭☣♔ - FAILRP, RDM, Did not yell raid, Trolling. - by TJ3003 - 01-14-2012, 01:15 AM

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