Doormat18 unban request 04/06/17
Your name: Doormat18

Your SteamID:[b]STEAM_0:1:193791501

Your ban ID:77329

Banned by:NJperry

Reason:Staff Disrespect / 9th ban / Take a break.


Why we should unban you: Hello fearless just to start of i have no evidence as my shadow play was off.what happend?. So what happend was that me and him where in a sit and i was calm and collected then he drops me and lets me go with a Verbal warning that i took. then he pm'ed me saying "You spelt basically wrong" I replyed with be quiet it does'nt matter you are lucky that my funking shadow play is disabled" Banned!

what would you like?: I want the chat logs from that day to prove my innocence or I want to be unbanned strait away

I didn't DO Any thing to insult you NJ if i did im sorry.
[Image: FYJG4OF.png]

Messages In This Thread
Doormat18 unban request 04/06/17 - by Doormat18 - 06-04-2017, 09:58 AM
RE: Doormat18 unban request 04/06/17 - by NJperry - 06-04-2017, 10:39 AM

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