Unban request on ScottishArmy's behalf
Your name: ScottishArmy

Your ban ID: 77453

Steam ID: 

Reason: BRA (80771) - Random hostaging / Killing for no reason

Staff member who banned you: [FL] NJperry

Reason why you should be unbanned: it was NOT me who killed anyone as i never shot you can see this in the video and it wasnt random hostaging as we were in a hostage situation 5 mins before and we just left with an sru officer and told the police Not to follow but some did so we took them hostage i was only a pawn there to help i never shot and i never initiated any hostage taking i was in too deep to leave so i had to stay it wasnt my fault they were taken hostage and its not my fault they were killed so i believe that I should not be banned and should be unbanned

Messages In This Thread
Unban request on ScottishArmy's behalf - by Juan Solo - 06-02-2017, 06:27 PM

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