Why? i didn't do nothing to get 1 month? UNFAIR ):
Okay then, this is bullshit, just don't give a shit on our point of view. Yeah so spawn killing, jailing and demoting everyone for fun is perfectly fucking fine, good one mate. I give up, I was gonna donate abit of money to help out the sever when I get into it and I was, played for 11hours in two days, but u just had to ruin it for ur server and listen to one point of view and ban me for a fuckin month for doing something worth a 1-3day ban. No money for u mate, I'll find another server to donate to. Great job.

- UWB (for the last time, bye)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Why? i didn't do nothing to get 1 month? UNFAIR ): - by UWANTBANANA - 01-09-2012, 11:29 PM
FROM UWANTMANGO - by UWANTBANANA - 01-10-2012, 10:18 PM

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