Ban Request - ZeroSupp-ort
Name of player: [FL:RP]ZeroSupp-ort

SteamID: ‪STEAM_0:0:37424956‬

Time in GMT: Yesterday, around 8 PM (GMT+2)

Server: V33X

Summary: I have arrested someone for having illegal weapon (Lockpick), then, ZeroSupp-ort unarresting him for (probably) being his friend.

This picture shows that he had lockpick and also shows that I've handcuffed him (afterwards I did arrest him)
[Image: 22752046.jpg]

This one shows that he was Police officer
P.S - He changed his job by the command '/job' but as you can see, his color tells us that he is an officer.
P.S.S - I was Police commander, and he did not asked me/president if he can unarrest him.
[Image: 65344208.jpg]

And this one shows us that he have un-arrested him.
[Image: 65008882.jpg]

In addition of all of this complaint I want to ask for a suggestion:
To block the option of Police officers to unarrest people.
They abusing their powers as an officers...
[Image: tomer2.png]

Only enemies speak the truth - Roland

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Messages In This Thread
Ban Request - ZeroSupp-ort - by Tears - 01-09-2012, 04:07 PM
RE: Ban Request - ZeroSupp-ort - by ZeroSupport - 01-09-2012, 04:58 PM
RE: Ban Request - ZeroSupp-ort - by Tears - 01-09-2012, 07:04 PM
RE: Ban Request - ZeroSupp-ort - by ZeroSupport - 01-09-2012, 08:21 PM
RE: Ban Request - ZeroSupp-ort - by Temar - 01-13-2012, 02:14 PM

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