negrotus karkotus
Name of player: negrotus karkotus

SteamID: (STEAM_0:1:16222063)

Time in GMT: About 14:30-14-40 in my time so it would be 12:30-12:40 in GMT

Server: (V33X)

Summary: (I was going to look for my Stolen car. Then we got to their base owner ot the fences wotch were there dissappear we go look theiir houses from outside Then i ACCIDENTLY take my ump out it was like just for a second and put it back (i didnt point anyone when this happen ) Then i got tranqed ,after the tranq he came jumping on my body , and said something to the mic after he realised he cant kill me by jumping on me he took a prop and killed me with it )

Evidence: (pictures arent in order)

This should be enought?

All who were at the server when this happened:

For the end: Sorry about my bad english.
Thanks For reading.

Messages In This Thread
negrotus karkotus - by rasse12124 - 01-07-2012, 01:24 PM
RE: negrotus karkotus - by Elder - 01-07-2012, 07:54 PM

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