Player Report - ƮȟộųǥȟṱⱢĕṥṩ
Good afternoon,

Seeing the video, I do not see him breaking fearRP, unless you can prove that you've said to him to get onto the ground.
Seconds later someone said to get down, but he already had his gun up due to 3 heavly armed people walking up to him.

Neither would he be actualy breaking NLR, seems he spawned within the park. He didnt stop or interracted with other people on the place of his death.

Fearless Administrator
[Image: jfQuooI.png?1]

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RE: Player Report - ƮȟộųǥȟṱⱢĕṥṩ - by Brikaas - 04-04-2017, 12:42 PM

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