Unban request for false accusation
Your name: Icanfuckurbich

Your ban ID: 76559

Steam ID: [b]STEAM_0:1:56584636[/b]

Reason: Powergaming 

Staff member who banned you: [FL:T] mintblackbeard

Reason why you should be unbanned: Ok so About 22 hours a go I got banned for breaking FearRP, in which i waited patiently so i could play again when the ban was lifted, well i go to to connect and find out my ban was extended for"Powergaming"?
First of all how was i powergaming because im a gun dealer and bought some ammo to put in the pistol i had just incase he were to try to break into my apartment... INFACT at that point in time I were waiting on a customer to come buy some ammo and I had been adverting that I was selling guns and ammunition Prior to that! I obviously wasnt powergaming, JUST BECAUSE I bought some ammo doesnt mean im powergaming. I told the man to leave multiple times, and he wouldnt that makes me a bit worried he might try to break in so i loaded the pistol and backed him away from my apt. Just because i bought ammo to potentioly have to defend myself doesnt mean i was powergaming. Thats just a bogus and unfair reason to Extend my ban! Given the fact that I was not powergaming I only had 2k cash at the time! so how is it I was power gaming ? cant barely buy anything with the amount i had, I was only trying to make a bit of cash; which is why i was selling guns in the first place! I really think this is  an unfair reason to extend my ban just because i bought some ammo to try to make  make the guy leave me alone so i could go address my customer that was waiting for me outside. after i showed him the gun he called the cops and before they could show up my customer did and i sold him 5 shipments of rifle ammo and then the cops showed up and killed my  customer andd raided my base. BUT the facct of the matter here is that i  MOST DEFINETLY did NOT Powergame, I was simply  buying ammo to load my pistol In order to protect myself incase the man were to try to lockpick my door and break in GIVEN THE EVIDENCE THAT HE WAS TRYING TO OPEN MY DOOR WHILE IT WAS LOCKED that causes suspision! he said in his PR he was in no way trying to get into my house then WHY was he trying to open the door knob while it was locked? EXACTLY . By the way Powergaming Is becoming a gun dealer just to supply yourself with ammunition or weapons then switch back, i obviously didnt switch back. I strongly think this ban extension was unfair!      PM: got this of of the forums !!! POWER GAMING : Powergaming is when you misuse roleplay actions in an attempt to force a RP to take a certain direction, or when you attempt to force another action on a player or dictate their actions. This is banned because it's detrimental to RP, and makes the server a lot less fun for people who have to suffer the actions of a powergamer. Some examples over powergaming are below: 

'/me punches the cop in his throat, killing him.' 

This is powergaming because you're forcing the officer into situation where he dies, without his input. It would be better to say: 

'/me tries to punch the cop in the throat.' 

This lets the cop play along, and he can decide whether or not the punch lands and what effect is has on him. Obviously, he can't powergame himself here. 

'/me breaks the handcuffs and escapes.' 

This is powergaming because it forces the RP to take a different direction as to what is obviously happening, and it is also impossible for a normal human to break handcuffs he's restrained with. If you really want to RP this, say something like: 

'/me struggles in his handcuffs, attempting to break free.' 
This gives the cop a chance to RP with you. Chances are you'll just be struggling in vain (and improving the RP), but the cop may decide to play along and the RP could take a different direction depending on what he does. 

Messages In This Thread
Unban request for false accusation - by CallOfBootyâ„¢ - 03-28-2017, 08:36 AM

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