Is there a person with a grudge against FL?
(01-02-2017, 03:02 AM)SnowredWolf Wrote: Pretty accurate explanation of what it's like to be SA at this point of time. Soul has trust issues which means the SA team has limited amount of powers, it's getting better with time and they're slowly getting a bigger say.
In the short period I was SA I was met by quite a few barriers when it comes to getting things through, as you explained quite a few things has to be approved by soul. Soul also took quite a few decisions alone which lead to confusion within the team upon it being rolled back due to the lack of communication. I know for a fact that Soul is working on the above, I've been speaking with him quite some times about these issues. Hopefully the SA team can be restored to what it once was.

When I say it's getting better I mean it, at least within the development scene. If some of you remember the old staff team,  they used to push a few updates they thought was needed on the server, however, after publishing it Soul removed it from the servers as he didn't like it. (fishing baits by Faustie, the new BMW)
Soul is not doing this anymore, he trusts that we will make updates that will benefit the server, he doesn't remove stuff we use time developing, at least not yet.

For Avgar and Infernaw being inactive, I can't deny the fact they are not at their full glory time being, they could improve a lot activity wise. They are both fantastic SAs who knows their shit and they do a great job when they are here for the team, I'd just like to see them both more in game. They both lurk around on the forums and read most threads that we post, it's just the fact they don't engage that much with the community that makes it seem like they are completely inactive.

I'm going to somewhat derail the original discussion of this thread mainly because the original context of this thread is stupid and I like this discussion a lot more.

You said you would like to see them more in-game, but honestly, I do not feel that is what is needed from a Super Admin. What is needed in my eyes and experience is being available at most times throughout the day every day. And with this a constant activity on the forums.

This is however not the case at all currently. Avgar hasn't posted in the normal forums since November 26th which honestly I thought was a joke whenever I just looked it up. He may be posting in the admin office, but that doesn't show us he is active right now. Infernaw has posted 45 times in the normal forums which is an adequate amount of times in my eyes. I personally believe a Super Admin should be posting around 100 times on the forums a month. It's not a time staking thing to do, however, it has a large impact making it seem like you actually care for the community's opinions and discussions. Granted, the forums have been a lot less active recently other than dumbass threads like this original thread, so it is hard to actually converse with the community right now, but talking to them on the forums is key to the role.

The availability is, in my opinion, the biggest job of the Super Admin role. You need to be able to respond in most scenarios and be there for your team and the community if something goes off the rails. Whenever Enzyme and myself were Super Admins here, we were available for at least 20 hours of each day. The only real time we weren't available was whenever I was going to bed to when Enzyme was waking up. And I will tell you this, nothing got left behind or forgotten which honestly I feel like is something that happens a lot in the current situation. I have had a couple times where I wanted to talk to an SA whenever you were still one and if you were not on, I would have to either have to send a private message and wait until one of you were on, or wait until I found you on steam. And depending on the severity, it was mostly waiting. This is the biggest thing that needs to be fixed and I know Avgar is a HUGE cause of this one since he likes to go offline on steam to not be bothered with FL things from time to time. He can choose to deny this if he chooses to, but this is something that should never happen if he wants to be a Super Admin here.

For the server activity, how I handled being an SA in my day was an adequate server activity at the beginning and as time went on I got on less and less. You want to be a mentor to the admin team, not someone in the way. If you are constantly on with your team on the servers, you will have people try and contact you specifically for cases and that from my experience lowered staff chemistry on the team because it causes the greatest problem with the new SA teams. It makes you seem like you are a higher authority than the administration team. You should be active at first to show your team how you want people to be administrating, make sure everyone is on the same page and after everyone has a strong idea of what it to happen in case to case situations, you do not need to be there breathing over their necks anymore.

That is my opinion on what the rank should be at least and I have spoken to all of you guys about this before, but never really to this extent. I am glad that Soul is finally loosening up with how weird he is about stuff. And honestly, if he at this point cannot trust even Infernaw to give her more of a role on the team, I am sorry and Infernaw, I wish you the best with the outcome.

Martin or anyone else, this part isn't really for you, but if Avgar ends up reading it, I want to him know this isnt me going at him, but a callout to do better
I am going to give a little call out to Avgar however since I really did kinda target him above with some examples. Avgar, I don't know if you are still trying to rep the Temar-SA role, if you are I don't see your name on this list Here. If you are honestly going for the Dev SA, at least make it seem like you are somewhat of a developer. If not, you are going to have to do real SA things that I know you don't really like to do. Which means you have to be active on the forums. Not have your last post in November. Ever since the real Ghostkiller tragisty, I haven't really heard of you since. I mean of course unless I see you on the server roleplaying, which by the way is something you can do just as a player as well. I hope you become a more adequate SA because you are a good guy. But honestly this shit is pathetic.

Edit: If anyone wants details about anything they are confused about but do not want to bother the thread to ask, just send me a pm and we can talk about anything you want regarding anything about either my time as an SA or my current feelings of the current SA/staff team. But let me remind you, keep a good discussion. Dont send me shit, or I will send you shit back.
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RE: Is there a person with a grudge against FL? - by Create - 12-30-2016, 08:09 AM
RE: Is there a person with a grudge against FL? - by User 19014 - 12-30-2016, 07:08 PM
RE: Is there a person with a grudge against FL? - by Fultz - 01-02-2017, 04:50 AM

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