Report: Old Man Jokhah
Hey man, you were badgering and attempting to psychologically intimidate someone in the courthouse by trying to deter them from pursuing their case. Then people started calling you out about it. Not once, have you asked me to stop, and the only reason I even know who you are is because you decided to post on my profile, then delete it. So if you didn't want me to talk to you, perhaps you shouldn't have talked to me first, and if you didn't want people calling you out for being a jerk in the courthouse, you wouldn't have been one.

As profile comments, aren't a violation of forum rules, and that I haven't posted in your actual player report that you performed such actions, I dunno what you hope to gain from this player report, other then identifying to the community that I had a commented on your personal behavior. If you don't like that, you could either ask me to stop, or just not do things that people consider to be exceptionally rude.

Saying that I'm not fit to be here, and that I'm "bad" is hilarious, also it's more of the toxic behavior that I've been observing from you around this community. If you don't like being called out for your toxic behavior, change your ways, or at the very least take the correct pre-emptive actions to actually establish a harassment case. As you haven't, I'm pretty much done explaining myself.

Should a staff member like to know the context of whatmy comments were about, here is a link.

If you take more than 30 seconds to skim read the thread, you'll see the exact behavior that lead to my PROFILE comments.

Messages In This Thread
Report: Old Man Jokhah - by S!RNARC - 11-22-2016, 04:29 PM
RE: Report: Old Man Jokhah - by Old Man Jokhah - 11-22-2016, 08:11 PM
RE: Report: Old Man Jokhah - by Awestruck - 11-22-2016, 08:16 PM

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