Kai Meyquer, Braindog and Asian Muscles.
1.u spelled my name wrong :/
2.The president has broadcasted that fortified bases were illegal
3.i did not open fire,the other normal police officers did,then you shot at me too,so i had to return fire
4.president also said any props making a perimetre is counted as illegal
(12-22-2011, 12:39 PM)Bulldk9 Wrote: I was at radio station too, i came from the city and saw 2 police cars were in the base, i went inside and saw the were starting to keypad crack my door, at that point the president wrote in broadcast that they should stop raiding our base, they had no warrant. So it was randomly raid.

we talked in the radio abit after and he authorized it,i didnt go back until it was over of course due to nlr

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RE: Kai Meyquer, Braindog and Asian Muscles. - by EGI (R.A.A.) [SEA]Kai Meiuqer - 12-22-2011, 01:06 PM

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