(12-21-2011, 06:43 PM)Ace Ventura Wrote: Hello

I want bluescattle banned for a long time. He rdm killed my friend and rdm cuffed and tazed me. I think he always destroying the game. I hope you will ban him. We are a lot of players there think it's annoying to play on the server when he plays on it.


I was there as this happened so I am allowed to comment here. (offtopic) You were the guy who left and joined to get his car back. (Back on topic)

Like Blue said you had contras, he blew em up. your "buddy" tried to run him and his friend over. IRL what he did would be what most cops would do in that situation.

Use template in future, also you have no evidence therefore the chances of Bluescattle getting banned are smaller than the width of a ants poop-shoot.


Messages In This Thread
Bluescattle - by Ace Ventura - 12-21-2011, 06:43 PM
RE: Bluescattle - by Happily Insane - 12-21-2011, 07:18 PM
RE: Bluescattle - by DJ_slapaho - 12-21-2011, 11:50 PM
RE: Bluescattle - by Toby - 12-22-2011, 12:38 AM

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