Unban request 10 hour to 15 days? (Bueno)
Your name: Mr.Bueno

Your ban ID: 5692

Banned by: [FL] StillChristmas

Server: I think both

Involved: Sjonnie my good friend.

Why we should unban you: Well we have a base in the city in a house that i buyed. We have buyed each 5 contras. so 10 in total. So we driving around the city and we saw someone walk with a money printer. So we step out the car. He stopped and punched us. We killed him with a crowbar and stole the contra from him. So we watch for more in appartement and yes. I already gots the tides truck. So he came back and i killed him again. (NLR for him). His frend cames and punched me so i killed him. So we did all the contras in the tides truck. After 5 times nlr for that guys the admin cames after 5 times reported @. He was not with us and asked why we raid that people. I sayd that they nlr like 5 times. Well he stay ask and i sayd that he has contras outside and i saw it. He banned me for 10 hour and my frend Sjonnie too. So i made an Admin Abuse topic at the forums. Now im banned for 15 days? with the reason Non valid raid reason (Huge amount of random raidings). I sayd in that topic we have like 20 contras and we are banned! so they think we stole all of it. No each 5 so 5x2 = 10 contras + we steal 1 time he has 10 contras? I called an admin for helping ME! Not to ban me!


Messages In This Thread
Unban request 10 hour to 15 days? (Bueno) - by jeffreypim - 12-20-2011, 06:11 PM

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