Ban Shorten Frost.
You have an heck of a lot of hours, yet you broke a basic rule. You were using the roof shooting at police officers. Rule 6.7 stats that you can't access rooftops, 6.7a and 6.7b explains the rule further.
Quote:6.7 Do not try to get on to rooftops; do not build on them either.

You have also racked up a lot of bans, therefore your ban was made longer than the other two. With the amount of hours you've gained you should be telling players to not break the rules, not breaking the rules with them.

I fail to see why you're bringing Agorith in to the case as the point you brought up is completely irrelevant to the current topic. Also claiming you've never read the rules in TS to your friends does not help your case. I highly suggest you give them a read. 

[Image: f8f0ed93936736f2ae4c735f1edc05ed.png]

Messages In This Thread
Ban Shorten Frost. - by Ranger - 09-19-2016, 08:27 PM
RE: Ban Shorten Frost. - by Agorith - 09-19-2016, 10:48 PM
RE: Ban Shorten Frost. - by Create - 09-20-2016, 08:35 PM
RE: Ban Shorten Frost. - by Ghost - 09-20-2016, 08:49 PM

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