UnbanRequest: Coupcake
Allow me to remind you: lying in the courthouse is grounds for a lengthy forum ban.

You think I'm biased? Not listening to the other side of the argument? Shall we take a look at the 4 RDMs you committed because JackZ's friend was "Breaking NLR"? Also considered backseat administration? Damage logs proved that you killed the same person roughly 4 times. I brought you up and asked you why you killed them. You told me that you killed them for Breaking NLR.

I received no @ call regarding JackZ nor his friend breaking any rule, and I received four about you RDMing people.

Now, if you have evidence that JackZ or his friend broke rules, post a PR, otherwise stay on topic.

If I recall correctly, the situation was one of 4 you were in today, two of which were with me. You have approximately 520 hours and should know much better, a deciding factor as to why I banned you.

Need I also remind you that you decided to stab JackZ in the middle of the modsit?

Blatant RDM right in front of my own eyes.

I have nothing more to say in this case, hence why I will leave this to an administrator.

Fearless Moderator

[Image: zeVtdhR.png]

Messages In This Thread
UnbanRequest: Coupcake - by Coupcunt - 09-11-2016, 08:26 PM
RE: UnbanRequest: Coupcake - by Reebs - 09-11-2016, 11:08 PM
RE: UnbanRequest: Coupcake - by Raccoon - 09-12-2016, 09:27 AM

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