Report: Alredi_Falen \ ͡° ͟ʖ ͡°/
Well whatever sources you got the "Two armed men with fedoras and suits" from is absolutely false. I never had a gun on me at all during the hostage situation or before then. I even asked one of the SRU members to search me if he wanted which I obviously wouldn't have done if I had a weapon on me. Not to mention no civilian was shot, unless you have evidence of it I can't argue that point. The weapons equipped argument is also false considering the evidence I have provided in this PR showed me spawn my vehicle with no weapon equipped.

Clearing states in rule 12.9 "Hot pursuit must be the first option."
[Image: unknown.png]

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RE: Report: Alredi_Falen \ ͡° ͟ʖ ͡°/ - by Broccoli - 09-01-2016, 05:13 PM

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