Report: Alredi_Falen \ ͡° ͟ʖ ͡°/
I responded to a callout of 2 armed men, who had shot a civilian. Description of the armed men was that they had fedoras and suits. I came to the location of the callout, and was hostaged once i started to detain one of the possible shooters, so i could investigate this further and search him. I was told to follow the hostager, and i did, i followed him to a point where he told me to turn around, se he could flee to the back of the alley and spawn the car and so hopefully to get away.
From my point if view, it was vital that the suspects had to be stopped with force, as they had shot a civilian and they had hostaged an officer.
I could have tried to stop you by coming there and speaking, but you had weapons eguipped and you were in aggressive state as you were running from the police.

"12.9 Police can not shoot vehicles unless it is vital that the car needs to be stopped, for example if the driver is putting lives of others at risk. Hot pursuit must be the first option."

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RE: Report: Alredi_Falen \ ͡° ͟ʖ ͡°/ - by already_fallen - 09-01-2016, 04:41 PM

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