omfg cop failrp
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failrp İ HTE THEM a few mins ago pres banned rebels from city for no reason then me and my friends were going to kill president then they call us we alreadykilled him. then cops come and see my friend with a gun and start shooting i was running without gun and they shoot me too Tounge nvm then we death and said theres no president we can go back to base we are no more banned we enter the city unarmed and they start shooting us killed a rebel then we get guns and start fighting they killed us again for no reason so we pissed off and report this [FL:RP]Theomenz - Am Aaron7420 saw this crap guys who shot us :
Police Commander : Derka Derka (failrp)
and a few officer but they were innocent please do something bout it

Messages In This Thread
omfg cop failrp - by TheBraveNugget - 12-11-2011, 10:07 PM
RE: omfg cop failrp - by Elder - 12-11-2011, 11:36 PM

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