No Man's Sky discussion: What should change?
(08-15-2016, 07:31 PM)Joulle Wrote: I wouldn't buy this game as it's missing multiplayer, building and has very limited customization options for pretty much everything and there doesn't seem to be much of anything to do other than holding left mouse button and E to kill and farm objects and interacting with boring and generic npcs with little to nothing to offer.

In addition the UI is garbage, it's trying to look cool but ends up being impractical and unclear (also what's that 1 second delay on switching pages at the market screen).

Seems like another early access game, but with a ridiculous price tag, performance and audio issues and without the early access tag!

I say overhyped piece of garbage that doesn't stand out from its competition in any form other than it happens to have been hyped for a reason I haven't heard of.

Base building is coming in the next update, I agree it can be quite repetitive atm but I do believe that'll be fixed soon enough.
The UI and HUD can be quite annoying too I agree, I don't understand the point of a delay when transfering items/deleting items/speaking to NPC's.

(08-15-2016, 08:03 PM)Jan Wrote: Random generated planets, animals and plants is no excuse for awful and boring design, they made a terrible mistake.

Some of them look nice but they can be quite repetitive as there's almost same-looking creatures with different names. All the plants look exactly the same on each planet yet different names.

Messages In This Thread
RE: No Man's Sky discussion: What should change? - by sebasti161 - 08-16-2016, 08:18 AM
RE: No Man's Sky discussion: What should change? - by Deleted User - 08-23-2016, 07:10 PM

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