SoulRipper | Agorith
The first part of this will be towards MastaNoda’s reply which seems to have been removed but I will respond to the points as needed.
With the first point you make I would just like to point out that we have commands and the Q-menu to spawn in market items, we use this in events and in player refunds, so ToS 1.12 isnt valid here, as no exploits were used.
Thank you for your reply. I am not an admin as you very well know so I had to make assumptions on what the limits are on this.
I’d like to quote directly what exploiting is:
make use of (a situation) in a way considered unfair or underhand.’
Link to quote in reference(
Agorith did exploit the system as he made use of the situation which allowed him to refund players but instead refunded himself for personal gain to allow him to use moltov’s without having to pay money for them.
The second and third point was already brought up as the basis of another AA from you that was concluded. Some parts have been deemed not abuse by Soulripper with, most likely, input from the SA team, so I don’t see the point in reposting it.
I am going to break this down as it’ll be easier for the reader to understand.
The second point in question is ‘Agorith breach of Server Rules 2.5| 16.6 | 9.4a’.
This was indeed deemed abusive by SoulRipper. However, only the generic FailRP was classed of the abuse. Due to this, and the vagueness of the original AA case of the actual rules been broken I have taken the liberty to define all the rules in question that Agorith has broken.
The third point brought up was the following: ‘Agorith breach of admin abuse rule ‘Using noclip or teleport to avoid RP situation…’’
This was not deemed abuse because the evidence provided was considered ‘insufficient’ as I have stated in this admin abuse case. A ranking administrator; whether that be SA or SoulRipper himself requests the evidence I will gladly provide it.
I hope you, MastaNoda understand why I reposted these in this admin abuse case.

This is Ghostkiller, a user that has been permanently suspended twice.
Your last permanent suspension from all Fearless services was due to ToS, more specifically stating to people you would not rest until you got administrators demoted.
Basically you were targetting the entire staff team.

And you, Mr Agorith are an administrator who blatantly abused his powers to spawn in molotov’s for personal gain. What makes us so different; that I didn’t pull the empathy card and cry that I was drunk at the time? Anyway, let’s take this back on topic.

The evidence that got provided in the AA was made by you Double Accounting on our servers, although it had valid evidence in it, still quite doesn't seem right to me.

You know what doesn’t seem quite right to me Agorith? Spawning in molotov’s with admin commands. But that’s just my two pence.

As for OT: I'll be refraining from posting here since your anti bias towards me is so obvious and I've already stated everything I felt had to be stated in the previous cases.

I fail to see my anti-bias towards you. You clearly lack the understanding of justice which is why I am here today.

You're requested to deliver the uncut and unedited video footage by an administrator.
You will have to do so.

As stated above, I will give the uncut, unedited video if requested by an SA or SoulRipper.

Just noticed this part about the FailRP.
You're saying applying a different colour to a car by the owner who requested it is now abusing/FailRP?

Ah it’s good you just ‘noticed’ the FailRP part. Anyhow; I don’t notice me stating anything about colouring a car for someone who requested it. I am not sure if this is your attempt on showing a similar situation? When I quoted rule 2.5 it was in regard to you doing things out of context (I stated it below the video) of how you changed your model for no reason at-all other to show off to some girls(you thought).

I also have 17-ish molotovs in my inventory so I could have just as easily used those, I did not do so because I did not own any.

So you have 17 ish moltovs in your inventory but you didn’t because you did not own any? That doesn’t make any sense; however I’ll pretend like it did. That is like me saying ‘I have this really nice TV that I bought from the company I worked for; so I thought heck why don’t I just take another-one off the shop floor!’. The difference is, Agorith is you didn’t which is the reason why you have had your admin rank removed.
Honestly, if this is how you logically view stuff then I don’t understand how you got to the rank of administrator and it really does make me believe this isn’t the first time you’ve done this.

I simply made the mistake of spawning them in in a hasty decision that I've already been punished for.

It was hardly a ‘mistake’ you knew exactly what you were doing. You knew exactly that this is against the server rules;TOS rules and admin abuse rules but you did it anyway. 

Edit: It's also against the rules to close an AA case on yourself
"Admins are not allowed to close threads about themselves."
Even though the thread was a duplicate, rules are rules and are there to be inforced

Messages In This Thread
SoulRipper | Agorith - by Greed^ - 08-07-2016, 07:25 PM
RE: SoulRipper | Agorith - by Agorith - 08-07-2016, 08:11 PM
RE: SoulRipper | Agorith - by Greed^ - 08-07-2016, 08:46 PM
RE: SoulRipper | Agorith - by SoulRipper - 08-07-2016, 09:14 PM

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