Russians Conspiracy (Read through carefully)
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen. Today I will present you some really shocking facts, I digged out
Lets start from the very beginning. As you all know, all planes have "EXIT" sign near doors.
So russian word for EXIT Would be ВЫХОД
Proof: (You can check yourself)
[Image: b2d03d8724b9bb5cbb6598402f71d992.png]

So, here is the main conspiracy part: (Warning, it may be too shocking for you)

Spoiler :
Lets begin. As you can see, in the middle of the word ВЫХОД, there is IX [Image: 8306924f5364b4c5b1b20d148a9cfdc4.png] and IX is Roman number, which equals to 9. Hmm...Interesting, lets continue further. Word EXIT, take away E and T we get XI. XI = number 11.

IX-9 XI-11.......Oh my god 9/11...... I hope you see this now.

This proves that Russians did 9/11 and that you are an idiot if you read through all this

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Russians Conspiracy (Read through carefully) - by Prosto - 08-07-2016, 01:24 PM

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