So gender does matter
<23:58:59> "KimmyFanta": Password please so I can participate in the
<23:59:00> "KimmyFanta": rp
<23:59:19> "Reebs": Nope. Not gonna happen if yourejust gonna come in here and micspam.
<23:59:28> "KimmyFanta": I can behave
<23:59:35> "KimmyFanta": you can kick me if I dont
<23:59:54> "Reebs": Greed
<23:59:59> "Reebs": Its not gonna happen
<00:00:02> "KimmyFanta": Why not?
<00:00:06> "Reebs": Its not.
<00:00:11> "KimmyFanta": Give me one good reason
<00:00:15> "Reebs": You have no intention of coming in here to RP.
<00:00:30> "KimmyFanta": You can use your moderator powers to kick me if I troll
<00:00:32> "KimmyFanta": not sure if you knew
<00:00:37> "Reebs": I know.
<00:00:45> "KimmyFanta": then whats le problem cx
<00:00:54> "Reebs": What's the problem?
<00:00:59> "KimmyFanta": Yes
<00:01:01> "KimmyFanta": exactly
<00:01:01> "Reebs": You really need me to answer that
<00:01:04> "KimmyFanta": I do
<00:01:10> "Reebs": Its quite obvious
<00:01:19> "KimmyFanta": Im a girl and I get insulted by everyone
<00:01:22> "KimmyFanta": so you have to let me in
<00:01:26> "Reebs": Knock it off, Greed
<00:01:29> "KimmyFanta": ?
<00:01:30> "Reebs": I know its you.
<00:01:33> "KimmyFanta": And?
<00:01:38> "KimmyFanta": Do you know if I am a girl or not?
<00:01:48> "Reebs": And, I'm telling you to knock it off. If you dont I will kick you.
<00:01:50> "KimmyFanta": and do you deny that I get insulted on a daily basis?
<00:02:06> "KimmyFanta": before kicking, let me just screenshot this
<00:02:57> "KimmyFanta": clearly shows your double standards

He knows im a boy, so I wont get special treatment even though I get insulted alot
The following 3 users Like Greed^'s post:
  • Ratatoskrr, Ceddyhmra, sebasti161

Messages In This Thread
So gender does matter - by Greed^ - 07-28-2016, 10:09 PM
RE: So gender does matter - by IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII - 07-29-2016, 04:25 AM
RE: So gender does matter - by Foxirius2205 - 07-29-2016, 06:02 AM
RE: So gender does matter - by Emil - 07-29-2016, 06:33 AM
RE: So gender does matter - by Awestruck - 07-29-2016, 07:19 AM
RE: So gender does matter - by TJ Howard - 07-29-2016, 10:34 AM

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