Ray William Johnson Banned From Youtube
My two cents on this issue coming right up.

I never watched this man's videos. I don't want to watch them, because I'm not interested, and I've got other things to watch.

Personally, the only problem I have with this man is that I dislike seeing his face on YT's front page along with a dumbass video-title. If I didn't have to look at his mug daily, there would be no problem.

At this point, I'd like to note that I'm not jealous to this man. My so called "grudge" against him is simply due to the symbolism of the situation. You see, the thumbnail and title of the video added to the viewcount indicate that "stupidity equals popular".

If people adapt this attitude and people will settle for it, the general level of "trying" will go down whilst creating something. I'm not saying that every thing should be epic-witty beyond belief, and I realize I may be exaggarating issue, but this is my theory. Same thing goes for Shane Dawson...

But since I can't really DO anything about it, I'll just try and go about my day without paying it another thought.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ray William Johnson Banned From Youtube - by Iban - 12-04-2011, 05:56 PM

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