Fearless Rocket League Team?
[Image: logo_v5_wip.png]

Greetings Friends!

As the title of the thread tells you, i am looking to start up a Fearless Rocket League Team and I am looking for 2 others and a few more subs when the starters are not there.


In order to Apply, Add me on steam so I can play alongside you in casual games and see your skill level. Once enough people have joined, i shall rank every according to skill level and then i shall pick from there.

What if I dont make the Squad!?

Everyone who applies will get into the squad, Only the Top 2 and myself will be in the starting lineup, Everyone else will be contacted if someone from the Top 3 is offline or unable to play for any reason.

In order to apply... You must add me on steam. This can be done by clicking -HERE-

Current Squads


Team A
A Captain- Ratatoskr
A Team One-
A Team Two-
A Subs:


Team B
B Captain-
B Team One-
B Team Two-
B Subs:

[Image: andrew-tate-top-g.gif]

Messages In This Thread
Fearless Rocket League Team? - by Ratatoskrr - 07-12-2016, 09:21 PM
RE: Fearless Rocket League Team? - by JoshZ - 07-15-2016, 08:09 PM

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