MrFinnConlon map v2d Unban request
[b]Your name:MrFinnConlon

[b]Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:79431150

[b]Your ban ID:72421

[b]Banned by:[FL] Pear

[b]Reason:Reconnect to avoid NLR

[b]Involved:There where a group of people who had blocked off the um site tunnel on v2d

[b]Why we should unban you:I have been blacklisted from spawning after nlr blacklist. I approached the site as an undercover police officer,i heard shots, so i returned fire,  and died. Then I couldn't respawn as i had a nlr spawn blackist on me I pressed the disagree button and dced and the reconnected so i could respwan with the intention of continuing from where I left off from. I was not trying to dc to avoid an rp situation like the ban said and i did nothing an.
I think that i should be unbanned because i had not broken any rp rules and only dced so i could spawn in again.
I would also like to add that i believe the fort that the admin who banned me was part of did not have a reasonable chance of raid success as there was no cover for a long distance[ rule 18.4] and  a fading door trap window was made so the people in the base could shoot an fade away [rule 18.5]  

Please remove the '()' and change it with your own details.
Finn Conlon 

 +Rep me Here

Messages In This Thread
MrFinnConlon map v2d Unban request - by MrFinnConlon - 07-05-2016, 09:16 PM
RE: MrFinnConlon map v2d Unban request - by Pear - 07-05-2016, 09:33 PM

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