Report: Pringled | archibald
Name of playerPringled | archibald

SteamIDSTEAM_0:0:16274831 | STEAM_0:1:56781052

Time in GMT: 8:50pm ish 

Server: v4b1

Summary: Basically, they were shooting the sky and failRPing when I approached. They told me to get out when I arrived which I complied to. It was basically a chat about nothing so I tried to continue to which they stopped and followed me. 

I then later on bumped into their car when they slammed the brakes and they told me to get out, which I eventually did. Shortly after they arrested me for not paying a fine and ramming vehicles. At this point I was incredibly frustrated and knew exactly what they wanted... The truck. I told the admin of this. 

Once they had arrested me, they tazed me and lifted me into the air, almost like he wanted to put me onto the top of the trailer and continue to minge with my ragdolled body. They tried to put my ragdolled body over a fence and drove off with the truck that he pretty much admitted he arrested me to get. 

A few minutes after they stole my truck Raccoon brought me into a sit where they both lied to his face, even after being warned about lying. They lied about; asking for a fine, and minging with my ragdolled body, eg throwing it over a fence. 

Spoiler :

Although I broke FearRP when he was trying to arrest me, you can't expect much when they are minging with my truck and doing everything to annoy me. RP has to work both ways, not just one way.



Messages In This Thread
Report: Pringled | archibald - by Coupcunt - 06-29-2016, 08:29 PM
RE: Report: Pringled | archibald - by Coupcunt - 06-29-2016, 08:31 PM
RE: Report: Pringled | archibald - by Raccoon - 06-30-2016, 12:17 PM
RE: Report: Pringled | archibald - by Rylund - 06-30-2016, 12:43 PM

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