Denis' Unban Request
Your name: Denis

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:42157422

Your ban ID: 72268

Banned by: [FL] AwestruckBullet

Reason: Although I am unsure as to what valid reason my ban was given, the reason listed is: "BRA (72571) - FailRP | FearRP

Involved: To be honest I am unsure as to who was involved other than myself and the banning staff member ([FL] AwestruckBullet) as I was not on the server for both this ban and my prior ban which I also believe was a falsely given ban.

Why we should unban you: To begin this unban request I will give a short background about myself, I used to play on this server about a year ago and back then I played it for 3-4 months and then quit due to having to do school work, after doing said school work I forgot about FL. However recently I rejoined the community and started getting used to the server once again but while I did play before I was a donator and I also ran a clan named "Los Zetas" (any older players like Falcao may remember it) which once had 23 players on the server at once all from Los Zetas which I was quite proud of and the only times I was banned or blacklisted was in my very first times joining the server where I was very unaware of the rules and quite immature but as time passed I matured and would not get blacklisted or banned following said maturity increase. So theres that little background story done, now on to the actual ban request.

So once I had rejoined the community I started rping as normal and getting used to things, although I do admit to punchwhoring my friend while I was on (I was punished for this in a separate ban) but I will admit to it incase it affects the ban appeal or warrants a separate ban, and after playing for a bit I decided to go off and do other things. I then came on the server the next day and noticed I had been banned while I was offline by a staff member named [FL:M] Ghost for 12 hours with the reason: "BRA (72574) - Punchwhoring, jumping on injured bodies and beating them to death" and although I had not been "jumping on injured bodies and beating them to death", I decided that the ban was fairly warranted so I didn't make a ban appeal. However, following that ban I had joined the server once for about 2 minutes then left as I didn't wish to play at given time and only wanted to check if my ban was over. So I left it for that day but today I came on Garry's Mod and attempted to join the server again and noticed I was banned, so I went on the forums and checked the banlist and noticed I had been banned for "FearRP" when I hadn't even played properly on the server since my previous ban and so I was confused. I waited and hour or two to see if the ban was a mistake and then tried to speak to SoulRipper but I assume he was busy with other things so then I decided to write this ban appeal as I am truly unsure as to why I was banned. I understand that I have no proof to backup my claims but if you were to check the logs/server logs for my joining and leaving times you would see that since my previous ban ran out I had not had even enough time to break said rule on the server so it is extremely unlikely that I did break FearRP.

TL;DR I am an old player who didn't break rules much and was banned while I was not on the server for a false reason.

P.S. I do understand that mistakes happen and that there are other players with the name "Denis" in the community so I am also aware that the ban could have been for a different player and not targeted towards me.

Update: I was not previously aware of this ban request:

I am now aware of it but I completely dispute it as the evidence presented in the BR does not show me breaking a single rule, except maybe FearRP in the first video however I disagree completely with that as the Police Officer said nothing both through text or through his mic so I just assumed he was another minge cop who didn't know how to put his gun on safemode, I am also sure that at the time of his first video melee weapons such as baseball bats were indeed legal so I had assumed that the cop didn't really know what he was doing and since no order was given to me I decided to get in the car and drive away. Bear in mind also that the cop didn't follow me as I drove away, he didn't type anything and he didn't even turn on his siren so I honestly do not see what rule I broke in his BR.

Update 2: After re-watching the BR evidence I see that he did indeed give the order for me to drop the weapon but like I said he didn't continue with the order he just backed away while he had two melee weapons pointed at him so I believed that he had either been a minge cop or that he had given up on his order since like I said before A) He didn't follow us or give us any other command and B) He had two melee weapons pointed at him from two large men who both had aggressive tones, I think its safe to assume that we were both following FearRP equally and as is seen many times a melee weapon can be just as effective as a ranged weapon if used correctly especially two melee weapons and thus I believe that our FearRP's cancelled out so no FearRP was broken. I would just like to re-iterate that if the cop had continued with his or even chased us any further then I would indeed have followed his commands due to FearRP however the fact that the cop was backing away from the two armed men in uncertainty shows that he was also following FearRP as we were both armed.

Messages In This Thread
Denis' Unban Request - by Denis118247 - 06-28-2016, 08:18 PM
RE: Denis' Unban Request - by Awestruck - 06-28-2016, 11:18 PM
RE: Denis' Unban Request - by Denis118247 - 06-28-2016, 11:32 PM
RE: Denis' Unban Request - by Awestruck - 06-28-2016, 11:36 PM

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