Turtelz UBR
Your name:Turtelz ツ

Your blacklist ID: 79677

Steam ID:

Reason:Breaking NLR.

Staff member who blacklisted you:
[FL] Pear

Reason why you should be unblacklisted:I don't think I deserved a blacklist as I returned to where I was RDMed to get the name of person who killed me as there were no admins on at the time if there was I would have asked who it was who killed me then a few minutes later I get a Black list from NLR Spawning I dont think I deserve a blacklist for trying to get someone from RDMing other people.

Messages In This Thread
Turtelz UBR - by Fudge - 06-23-2016, 10:41 AM
RE: Turtelz UBR - by Pear - 06-23-2016, 02:46 PM

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