SadN3rd's Confession
I blacklisted you, reasons were simple.

I got a PM from a player telling me about the Police Commander who was constantly breaking NLR, so I cloaked myself and followed you around the map.

What I saw in those minutes was randomly handcuffing people, walking around with your weapon up all of the time for no bloody reason, trying to get into the Rebel Base without any reasons or warrant and last but not least: shooting at unarmed people without warning, reason, conversation or any RP at all.

I don't want you running around as a Cop, really. Try again in some weeks when you learned more about RP.
Dare to think!

Messages In This Thread
SadN3rd's Confession - by SadN3rd - 11-26-2011, 08:14 AM
RE: SadN3rd's Confession - by Nudelholz - 11-28-2011, 09:29 AM

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