Player Report - taylor - Powergaming - d/c to avoid RP situation
Name of player: taylor
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:120644111
Time in GMT
Powergaming - 1:22am GMT
D/C to Avoid RP Situation - 1:34am GMT
Server: V4b1
Summary: taylor (STEAM_0:0:120644111) decided that he/she was bored when playing as a 'Dictator'. He/she then asked who wanted president, I said why not as I had no other roleplay to join. I thought that taylor (STEAM_0:0:120644111) would d/c, but instead he demoted the Police Sergeant for the reason 'Position needs vacating..'. At this point I told him that it was not allowed. 

About twelve minutes and 37 seconds later, He gets tazed for some random shenanigans he is causing and he decided that he had the right to disconnect to avoid the roleplay that was most likely going on. This could connote that he has disregard towards the server and has no intention to roleplay and/or read the rules.
[Image: mpvAQuE.png]

Quote:(Whisper) Taylor Havin: anyone wanna be pres
(Radio) john smith: I have knocked out Trevor /.
(Whisper) Frederick 'Imagine' Owens: Sure
(Radio) Max Mustermann: what
*** Max Mustermann radios in: what
(Radio) Max Mustermann: 6 rebels
*** Max Mustermann radios in: 6 rebels
(Local OOC) [FL:RP] Imagine: I'll be pres
(Local OOC) taylor: get ready
Prop session saved, 24 props found!
(Local OOC) Jarvan iv: be a dictator
(Local OOC) Jarvan iv: be a dictator
(PM) Jarvan iv (94): be a dictator
(Radio) Taylor Havin: I have demoted john smith from Police Sergeant for reason Position
needs vacating..
*** Taylor Havin radios in: I have demoted john smith from Police Sergeant for reason
Position needs vacating..

Disconnect to avoid the role-play situation
[Image: mpvAQuE.png]
Quote:(Radio) Dominique Eikema: I have knocked out Taylor Havin.

Player taylor (STEAM_0:0:120644111) has disconnected (Disconnect by user.).
Player taylor left the game (Disconnect by user).
[FL:RP] Imagine
Fearless Donator

Messages In This Thread
Player Report - taylor - Powergaming - d/c to avoid RP situation - by Create - 06-18-2016, 12:54 AM

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