Shorten Or Maybe Unban probs not tho
Your name: Luek
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:62096716
Your ban ID: 62010
Banned by: [FL] Pinky
Reason: PropSpam & Double Accounting
Involved: -

Why we should unban you: Hi, im not sure how likely this is to do anything but im back after over a year not really sure how long maybe 1.5 years, i am appealing now to just see if theres any way to be unbanned or just to shorten it to any number since at the moment im banned indefinatly. I miss your server it was great an i abused it and did alot of bad things on there being the child i was. Its been a while and i would really like to come back and roleplay with everyone again i am older now i know what ive done was bad for the server i appolagise for that its not going to happen again, i just thought i'd try my luck to try get my account back just changing it to a long ban would be nice just knowing it will end one day since at the moment ill never get it back.

Messages In This Thread
Shorten Or Maybe Unban probs not tho - by luken35 - 06-17-2016, 11:21 PM

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