Report: Chase and Abradolf Lincler
I will have my defense ready be the end of tomorrow, I have work and school, I have video of us raiding him yes. We had no idea he was building first off. I want to add you robbed him... We followed you home and took you down along with your base. The time between you robbing him and us raiding you took place within 5 minutes. You even broke FearRP and insulted us in OOC. I will upload the video when I can please give me a day to do so. [Image: 26C1E8B46952A212A1C22F62E3DCDDF6C4FC7AB2]

Thanks for calling us idiots. Video will be posted later. Also in your own video you show yourself breaking fearRP ha? We both had guns drawn on you and you still take your weapon out when we're a foot or two away from you.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Report: Chase and Abradolf Lincler - by Chase - 06-01-2016, 08:30 AM
RE: Report: Chase and Abradolf Lincler - by Chase - 06-01-2016, 11:14 PM

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