Fuzzybuddy - AMA - I love questions!
(05-26-2016, 07:04 PM)Ceddybu Wrote: If you would choose to have one item in the world, what would it be?

Ohh.. an item... I actually dont know, I dont want for anything and as such I dont really have a good answer. I would love a good office chair or a better desk because currently they are both damaging my health.

If i was ignoring all the secondary fees (Bills and such) I would take a modest house (2-3 bedrooms) so i wouldn't have to worry about it when I get to the stage in my life where I wish to move out

... actually because i just realized it ill leave everything else i wrote but write in what i would want - My Badge with badge number for the fire brigade.

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RE: Fuzzybuddy - AMA - I love questions! - by fuzzybuddy - 05-26-2016, 07:16 PM

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