UBR Agorith, stop perma bann people.
Your name: salZin and Roasted Sandwich

Your SteamID: 


Your ban ID: 
Banned by: [FL] Agorith

Reason: There wasn't any reason, this is random perma banns.

Involved: -

Why we should unban you: These are the two remaining out of 7 people that got perma banned in my so called IP region, people that got their accounts linked.
As Agorith thaught they were double accounts.
You Cannot hand out perma banns without any hard evidence that they actually are double accounts.
These are individual accounts.
Just because 1 person breaks server rules, doesn't mean you can perma bann every account in that region, thats just plain stupid.

Account:Roasted Sandwich Has played at 2 hours on FL, and that was 1 year ago.
Account: Salzin has never been on the servers.

How can we thrust an Admin that gives out perma banns like you give candy to kids on halloween?
These people got nothing to do with the double accounts, and shouldnt be punshed in any way.

Since Agorith already got a warning about his actions, i do not understand this.

Messages In This Thread
UBR Agorith, stop perma bann people. - by Kankerbread - 05-21-2016, 08:51 PM

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