PR: LTMintron
Name of player: LTMintron

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:59912908

Time in GMT: idk 

Server v2d

Summary: He spawned in props in middle of the road tried to prop kill me launched me into the air prop served prop minged prop abused(ik i had a baseball bat as a citizen but only me and him where on at the time so it was in self defence.


If you need more evidence then say so,i have evidence of him abusing props in everyday
there must be 65screen shots of this
[Image: 1717-E37-A-98-BA-4-EEF-B9-B5-9800-D3-B90-A00.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
PR: LTMintron - by Vimpto - 05-07-2016, 09:53 PM
RE: PR: LTMintron - by Generation - 05-09-2016, 11:58 AM

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