PR on DankMemeZ
Name of Player: DankMemeZ

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:161542422

Time in GMT: GMT+1 22:45 roughly

Server: v2d

Summary: The SRU had been bossing us around telling us to patrol, being rude to us when we showed up at Nexus and then the President requested help via radio because someone was attacking nexus and as soon we got there they were again being smart asses with us and telling us to get back on patrol eventhough they requested us to come and since the SRU have No power over the Police I told the SRU who was being bossy with us to "Stop telling us how to do our jobs" and to "Not request our help if you don't want us in nexus" and apparently this processed in DankMemeZ's mind that what I said was apparent "Disrespect" and after seconds of saying that he immediately demoted me which was very random because I had not Disrespectful I was just telling the SRU not to boss us around. It's pretty clear that Demotion was one of his first Options and not one of his last which I do not appreciate.


Messages In This Thread
PR on DankMemeZ - by NJperry - 05-06-2016, 10:07 PM
RE: PR on DankMemeZ - by Ludo - 05-09-2016, 04:12 PM

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