[FL] Tomo, [FL] Shadow, [FL] Agorith
Name:  GHOSTK1LL3R, Denzo

Time/Date: 16/4/16 22:00 GMT 0 

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:56134140 , [b]STEAM_0:1:79180293 ,  [b]STEAM_0:0:43023747[/b][/b]

Name of Administrator: [FL] Tomo, [FL] Shadow, [FL] Agorith


Before I proceed to continue this admin abuse case, I would like to state right now this. It doesn't matter if you think we were trolling, or pissing around. In fact, it doesn't even matter. What we were doing is fully within the rules and we have every right to do what we are doing. 

All evidence refereed to will come from the following video segment: 

Screenshots will be acquired from the video and posted to make it simpler to follow and logs will be requested for a few of my points.

Back-plot of the whole event from the perspective of one of the accused Tempah:

'So, my friends and I were driving to Corleone’s in an attempt to raid them, since they robbed my car. When we drove through the tunnel, we all got extreme lag and almost crashed. We were lucky enough to hit one of the trees that you can drive through otherwise we would have died, resulting in us losing our weapons/Kevlar/other equipment. It turns out that Shadow had placed a dupe that was way over the prop limit, which was causing major lag. I am almost certain that if a player placed a dupe that created similar lag then it would have gotten removed, and the player possibly would have been punished. When we confronted the owners of the home, Tomo came out and refused our claim. Algorith claimed that it didn’t change his FPS, but then refused to prove it to us. This dupe should not be allowed for two reasons: one is that it was causing major lag to the server and was causing players to almost crash (one player actually crashed because of it), and the other is that a normal player would not be able to build it as it was over the player prop limit.

So, that aside, we decided to do some RP because the Corleone’s were not where we thought they were. Since we were a bunch of criminals, we decided to do some roleplay with the facilitators of the house on the house. This house was very large, and looked like a place where wealthy people would choose to live in. This makes it a great place to burgle as the owners must have a lot of money. The props placed outside allowed us to jump over the fence (we climbed over) which got us into the yard. Tomo then grabbed us all with his admin laser and put us all outside the property. He claimed it was fail RP that we jumped over the fences. When he was carrying me over he also damaged me down to around 60%. When I asked him to heal me he just ignored me and refused to help. I had to nag him for 2 minutes before he actually healed me, and he only did it to shut me up rather than do his job properly.

Another thing that happened was that Rudy attempted to mug someone on the property, for the reasons stated above. Before mugging him, he said IC that he was going to mug him when he was outside the property. The player just stayed there even after hearing that he was going to get mugged. The person getting mugged (who was in team-speak with the admins involved http://prnt.sc/at527k ) broke fear-RP and refused to drop $500 to Rudy. Rudy said “Drop $500 or die”. He didn’t drop the $500 so he killed him. Algorith witnessed this whole situation and didn’t act on the fear RP breakage. Instead, he grabbed Rudy and brought him away, and told him “You can’t mug him he’s just a kid”. Rudy had no way of knowing that? Even if he did, you can’t just give someone special treatment because they are a little younger than other players. He broke the rules and should have been punished like any other player who breaks the same rule.'

[FL] Agorith : Allowing friends to break FearRP and only responding to the situation once confronted

At 4:07 you see us accessing the base from both the keypad and from the window ledge. Rudy then proceeds to put a small child under FearRP. Rudy gives multiple warnings for the child to drop $500 of which Agorith does nothing with the situation. The small child dosen't proceed to do not one text message or audio message while told to drop 500. His life was at stake and didn't do anything about it. I am not wanting this player to get banned, so don't tell me to post a PR. We can clearly see in the video that Agorith is watching over the situation. In fact he even states he is on admin duty:

[Image: a364937f21.jpg]
Once Agorith is confronted regarding the FearRP, he told me in text chat to 'stfu' and then proceeds to pull Rudy away. Agorith should of dealt with the situation instantly as he was on admin duty but as we can see, he clearly is not.

An admin is someone that is mean't to set an example for those of Fearless and me as a player being told to 'shut the fuck up' is hardly customer service. Equally, Agorith was beyond bias and wasn't going to deal with the situation and only dealt with it once I called him up on it.

If a player is able to break FearRP right under an admin's nose when he is on 'admin duty' then it clearly shows this staff member lacks the ability to provide proper staffing to the servers.

[FL] Tomo : stopping a roleplay situation which was fully within the rules | Lack of knowledge of the rules

The first point I am going to touch on, is all our jobs fit the roleplay situation. We had set the jobs to Criminal prior to the event in order to fit the situation. We decided that we could make a roleplay situation out of Shadow's dupe by hostaging them(as they're obviously rich to own such a luxurious house) and then proceeding to acquire money from the police that would arrive(Evidence of this can be acquired from 1 minute into the video).  When stated that we were performing this roleplay, Tomo said 'this isn't roleplay'. This, Tomo very much is roleplay.

In order for us not to get caught performing this hostage situation we decided the best bet was to jump over the fence in order to breach from the back. We finally got into the compound through jumping over the keypad(at 4:24) and you can also see me jumping from the window ledge to the perimeter of the garden to gain access into the garden.

Tomo didn't like this one bit and said 'were only doing it to piss them off'. It doesn't matter what we're doing it for. It's a roleplay server, we're fully within the rule to do this.

I decided then to talk to the admin in question Tomo at 9:30. He says that we are breaking the rules when performing this roleplay which is completely incorrect. 

So, I decide that the best way to do this situation is to pull a car up to jump over and then we were going to keypad crack into the back of the house. 

Nothing we have done has been against the rules and has been fully within the rules.

'You can burgle shops for money, mug people in the streets, steal cars, raid rival businesses or criminal groups, break into a household to take hostages to make demands, and so on. Just make sure you follow all of the crime rules (section 16). '

From the video, you can see that Tomo keeps saying we were 'pissing around'. It doesn't matter what if we were or were not 'pissing around' because what we were doing if fully within the rules and the admin Tomo decided to take a matter which is IC to OOC. This is shear incompetence from a staff member but equally stopping a perfectly valid roleplay.

[FL] Shadow: Insulting Community Member's | Creating a FPS blackhole and not caring about other players | Selfishness   

At 2:10 in the video, the audio is quite muzzled but you can hear Shadow telling Rudy to 'Fuck off' . Regardless of what is happening it is highly unprofessional to tell a customer to 'Fuck off' which is what Shadow has done. 

Equally as shown throughout the video you can see the FPS blackhole which Shadow has created solely for her own personal desires. When we attempted to perform a roleplay which would involve more than them 3 for a 900 prop dupe we were told our roleplay is against the rules when it is not.

My final point to conclude on is all 3 admins used their admin powers in order to avoid a roleplay situation. Just because they didn't want to do this roleplay they decided they'd ban us for interfering. I would argue what they have done is similar to D/C to avoid a roleplay situation as they banned us solely so we wouldn't effect their roleplay. 

All three admins which I have refereed to in this situation decided that instead of roleplaying they would insult player, mock players, ignore rules and use their admin powers to go above players in order to not do the roleplay which we were going to perform. Equally, what these admins has done is loophole'd the rules so that they, as admins could get away with with not following the roleplay you liked. 

Our roleplay is fully  allowed within the rules and was stopped by the following administrators because you didn't like the roleplay. 

I am requesting that Infernaw not be the the concluding administrator on this for reasons with Agorith which I will not state publicly(Because I am a nice person Agroith).

Messages In This Thread
[FL] Tomo, [FL] Shadow, [FL] Agorith - by User 12049 - 04-17-2016, 09:16 AM
RE: [FL] Tomo, [FL] Shadow, [FL] Agorith - by User 12049 - 04-17-2016, 03:56 PM
RE: [FL] Tomo, [FL] Shadow, [FL] Agorith - by User 12049 - 04-18-2016, 08:07 AM
RE: [FL] Tomo, [FL] Shadow, [FL] Agorith - by User 12049 - 04-18-2016, 08:08 AM
RE: [FL] Tomo, [FL] Shadow, [FL] Agorith - by User 12049 - 04-18-2016, 08:55 AM

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