Br on TheGamerGuyGBR and Gidz and iixCarbonxZz
It was experiments, because later we had a working elevator as evolution of the chair... Also, I broke NLR because the chair glitched and killed me, so I thought 'this won't affect anyone else's RP' and returned, going upstairs to the presidential office this time, at least not going directly to my death spot.

Gidz jumped using all the ledges on the Nexus because he slipped and landed on one and the only way down was parkouring, using the other ones.

iixCarbonxZz was helping test the early development of the elevator, hence making the chairlift. I am friends with all of them and was playing with them, hence how I know this.

Also the Admins' jobs are already hard enough, please be more informative than 'Look at this' and 'rule breakage' in your @ Calls. Smile

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RE: Br on TheGamerGuyGBR and Gidz and iixCarbonxZz - by TheGamerGuyGBR - 04-07-2016, 11:29 PM

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