Br on TheGamerGuyGBR and Gidz and iixCarbonxZz
Name of player:TheGamerGuyGBR & Gidz & iixCarbonxZz

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:72475001 & STEAM_0:1:54231546 & STEAM_0:1:57303108

Time in GMT: an 6:00 Etm

Server: V2d

Summary:I went to the nexus and wait for an Sru call and i see them playing with props the videos show the proof, TheGamerGuyGBR actualy broke Nlr too. They were calling it experiments. 

TheGamerGuyGBR-Riding the chair falling and breaking Nlr.
Gidz-jumping from the top of the nexus.
iixCarbonxZz- making the hydraulic elevator.


[Image: xfmK5LX.jpg]
The original Cuban Minge

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Br on TheGamerGuyGBR and Gidz and iixCarbonxZz - by Georgy - 04-07-2016, 10:51 PM

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