Turtelz Video Evidence on two rule breakings!
Thumbs Down 
Name of player: Turtelz


Time in GMT: 6:30

Server: v2d

Summary: Basically, I've got him to record for pretty much two reasons. The first video is of him stopping me for god knows what, apparently almost CDMing those civilians. Now. I was typing when I didn't get out of the vehicle, but I complied, Now I'd also like to point out that he never had a weapon pointed at me when I was driving away, and even if he did, it is not even visible! 

Second evidence shows him clearly shooting me for no reason, followed by lieing to an administrator by claiming he told me to stop, and I was speeding. First of all he had no speed radar in his hand so he couldn't have known, and never said a word, he didn't say stop or anything so I believe that I am just to drive away from a player cluelesly shooting at vehicles. Again, you can say I did FearRP but you wouldn't stop to talk to a loopy police officer shooting your car for no reason would you? No. 

Please keep in mind that I'm still learning the ropes of this style of RP, and I'm aware that I am also not being a very good role player in this situation, but I automatically move myself out of a situation when in circumstances like this, you can see me step out of the "Rp" situation and getting on the car, that is my way of dealing with something in OOC and is a common habit of mine. That is my defense on that matter and I hope that it seems justified that It just me stepping out of character, which clearly I have because I am talking Out of character, although not using Local OOC. 

This man is delusional and clearly not fit for Evocity, perhaps a small punishment is fitting, I'm aware that you could also ban me for this too, but please understand that Im learning the ropes and am not purposely doing those things. 


Evidence 1:

He also said "STOP or I will arrest" or something along those lines, yet takes me out of the vehicle anyway? Hm. 

Evidence 2:

I didn't want to report him for this, and I didn't, but I am now that he's done this two times to me. 

Messages In This Thread
Turtelz Video Evidence on two rule breakings! - by Coupcunt - 04-04-2016, 06:49 PM
RE: Turtelz Video Evidence on two rule breakings! - by Deleted User - 04-04-2016, 08:43 PM
RE: Turtelz Video Evidence on two rule breakings! - by Deleted User - 04-04-2016, 10:21 PM

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