Should more in-game problems be solved by the justice system?
Hi everyone!

So for a couple of days now I've felt the need to bring this up as it is something which seems to affect more or less everyone on the server (on V2D at least).

It seems as if when a lot of people have a problem with something, they directly threaten to/do contact an admin.
Now I'm not saying that this is a bad thing, but from my personal experience, admins have a lot of things on their plates and dealing with someone who think that an unfair arrest (note: not the same as random arrest) is worth wasting an admins time on.

A lot of the time, these are things which could easily be dealt with IC, where the President as well as the Sergeants would only need to take a bit more responsibility on what his or her's staff is actually doing to the citizens.

Now I'm not here to bring a perfect solution (if so this would have been in the suggestions folder), in fact I would like to know if anyone else feels the same way, and if it would need something to be done about.

For further discussion, I'm obviously not trying to tell anyone to not bring an admin if someone is doing something clearly breaking the rules, but unless someone is RDMing, CDMing, minging, etc. It shouldn't have to constitute as an emergency, and I feel that a lot of the time people simply don't want to go to jail so they rather bring an admin, start a discussion about something completely random and if they're lucky, they'll be let go. There is not really a punishment for trying to avoid something (yes, it's in the rules, but I have yet to see someone actually being taken action towards due to an infraction of this) so a lot of people simply try it because "hey, why not?".

If this was to be a suggestion, my personal idea would be something like a court house, where there would for example be a judge (which could be overruled by the President), lawyers, prosecutors, etc. and anyone who is arrested for a crime would first have to defend themselves in court (unless they accept the arrest directly of course).
Not only would this free a lot of the admins up from what is basically day care, it would also enhance the IC setting and not take everyone out of the RP just because someone isn't happy about the result of their own actions.

So, now I'd like to hear what you all think of something like this.
Would you like to see a court system?
Do you prefer that admins babysit everyone, thus also making wait times longer when you actually need help?
Don't see this as a problem at all?

Whatever your opinion is, share it!

Messages In This Thread
Should more in-game problems be solved by the justice system? - by haamster - 04-04-2016, 10:21 AM

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