My priviledge of using weapons for an entire YEAR, simply bc i RDMed one person.
Your name: Bitsnake

Your blacklist ID: 75804 and 75805

Steam ID: [b]STEAM_0:1:161768462[/b]

Reason: For "Mass RDM" (though it was one single person)

Staff member who blacklisted you: NightHawkd

Reason why you should be unblacklisted: I only RDMed one person, he saw me do it, froze me and then revoked my weapon priviledges. Id be okay with it if it was a simple 24 hour ban, or a wep blacklist for a week or so, BUT AN ENTIRE YEAR? thats way over the line. I saw people getting banned for just 16 hours for a Mass RDM, racism and disrespect. I killed one person and i get my wep priviledges removed for an entire year. Thats not right at all. 

He put 'Mass RDM' as the reason, im not sure why because thats blatant lying, i RDMed one single person because they were annoying me, one. Really confused as to why he put mass rdm, to be honest. Thats pretty shady.

Please, either revoke them for an appropriate time, such as a week, or just ban me for one or two days. This isnt the right length of a blacklist, just for one RDM. Anyone can agree with that. Thanks for listening. Please do something about this because i enjoy this server but this is a ridiculous length for a blacklist, for such a small reason.

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My priviledge of using weapons for an entire YEAR, simply bc i RDMed one person. - by Bitsnake - 04-04-2016, 01:42 AM

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