Player Report - Yung Synergy - RDM - Not Here to RP
Name of player: Yung Synergy

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:92262085

Time in GMT: 5:55ish

Server: V2d

Summary: I had just spawned as President and I started to make laws, 3 minutes later this guy comes us and says that I apparently 'Slept with his sister' I denied it in Voice and he pulled out a handgun and started shooting at me randomly, I tried running away but he eventually killed me. I managed to get Vice President and moved away from NLR, I managed to screen shot it all, Here; 

Edit: As you can see He was also a citizen which I failed to notice at that time.


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Player Report - Yung Synergy - RDM - Not Here to RP - by Create - 03-18-2016, 07:08 PM

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